How to work well in an open space? How has this new organization of surfaces upset the codes? This article will give you some tips for working well in this new environment.

In France, open space has made a name for itself in companies. This new organization of surfaces makes it possible to remove partitions and create shared spaces for employees. The equipment (offices, kitchen, meeting room, etc.) is thus made available to all.

In addition to optimizing the m², the open space has the advantage of bringing brightness and friendliness to the workplace. The objective is to simplify exchanges between employees and management since they are in direct contact. Ideas and creativity can flow easily in offices.

To sum up, the advantages of setting up open workspaces are:

  • Optimizing office space and costs
  • Facilitate exchanges and communication between employees
  • Provide a pleasant and bright work environment
  • Develop team efficiency and responsiveness

 Despite all the advantages that open space can bring to a company, working in the same office space can be challenging. Noise, stress, and fatigue can create tension between employees. It is, therefore, essential to put in place simple measures to promote well-being at work.

Limit noise pollution

The decompartmentalization of the offices facilitates both exchanges and noise. In the long term, noise pollution can cause fatigue, stress, headaches, and loss of concentration.

To avoid overstraining employees, it is advisable to put the telephone on silent and to provide quiet spaces. Another possibility is the installation of sound insulation panels. Installed between each workstation, these panels reduce ambient noise and fatigue.

Offer pleasant workspaces and offer a decompression airlock.

When designing surfaces, opt for a bright working environment. Having beautiful decorations and a friendly workspace promotes the well-being of employees.

In addition, set up enough quiet spaces and meeting rooms so employees can discuss specific topics/projects. It will reduce nuisance for others and stress for employees. Including “relaxation zones” will allow everyone to find their balance and work in the best conditions.

Organize the open space by specialty / by profession

When working in an open space, communication can quickly become a hubbub. Therefore, organizing the board by project or skill is essential. Ideas and exchanges can thus be facilitated between employees. The flow of information will be organized by specialty or interest, which limits noise pollution.

However, the use of emails or collaborative tools remains very useful for communication. They make it possible not to be disturbed by a neighbor at the slightest question and to move forward more serenely in the projects.

Be transparent about your work and maintain privacy.

The open space regularly induces the “flattening” of the organization and the hierarchy. The company becomes more transparent when all employees work in the same space. For this organization to work, each employee must feel equal. Avoid creating competition between groups.

In addition, being unable to move around without being seen and unable to adjust the air conditioning can be seen as a constraint. Respecting everyone’s space in the open space helps to avoid the feeling of oppression.

To conclude, the open space offers a solution adapted to the current way of working. When arranging your tray, remember to find a balance between work and informal moments. It will allow each employee to find their place in this professional environment.

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